Rail lubrication systems

Rail Lubrication Systems

HY-POWER Produktions und Handels GmbH develops and manufactures electronic track side lubrication systems for railway, tram and metro.

Only during the last 20 years a significant number of patented innovations were resulting from the intense development activities.

Our lubrication systems are used when high wear and/or noise (squeal), especially in narrow rail bends, are present.

We see ourselves as problem-solvers our competence is to offer you customized and location-specific solutions, which work in a sustainable manner.

Flank lubrication

The rail flank is to be lubricatedwhere the wheel flange touches the rail.
This can be done either by drilling or lubrication devices.

Top of rail care

The top of rail is to be conditioned without affecting the braking effect or the traction.
This can be done either by drilling or lubrication devices (patent protected).

Special solutions

All metallic parts between wheel/rail interaction must be protected. Not only the rail flank and the top of rail, but also:

  • Retarder heads
  • Switch blades
  • Guard rails
  • Radlenker
  • amm.

HY-POWER benefits and information

Why lubricating rails?

Track-side lubrication systems are mainly used to:

  1. To reduce the noise pressure level of wheel squeal
    • especially in low radius curves noise pressure levels can reach values of up to 120dB(A)
  2. Reduce the material wear and tear of wheel and rail
    • and to increase the durable life of the rail infrastructure (rails, trackswitches, etc.)
    • to minimize the Life-Cycle-Costs of the rail infrastructure
    • reduce the reprofiling work on the wheels and thus increase the lifetime
  3. Reduce energy consumption
    • and thus reduce CO2 emissions and costs
  4. To prevent the climbing-up of the wheel flange on the rail flanks and/or tips of points
    • and therefore to reduce the derailment risk



Benefits and proven results

Our track-side lubricators significantly reduce noise, derailment risk, energy consumption and wheel/rail wear:

  1. Potential savings
    • useful life of rail may be extended by at least 200%
    • danger of derailment may be reduced by 2/3
    • energy costs are reduced considerably
    • noise reduction avoids need of expensive constructions like noise barriers
  2. Minimal lubrication
    • exact adjusting of produced quantity
    • thereby, minimal grease consumption
    • use of biodegradable lubricants
  3. No demounting necessary for winter
  4. Usable for all rails and wheel flanges
  5. Lubricant is not applied in places but as a continuous grease film over the total circumference of the wheel
  6. HY-POWER equipment passed all established electro-magnetic compatibility tests and correspond CE standards
  7. All HY-POWER products are patent-protected
Our service range
  1. Experienced team of technicians
  2. Worldwide installation and mounting
  3. Full range of additional services
    • Problem solving and consulting
    • Planning and engineering
    • Localizing and fine-tuning
    • Training of customer personnel
    • Worldwide spare parts logistics (we guarantee every ordered spare part is dispatched within 24 hours)
    • Research and development
    • Joint development projects with railway operators (railway, tram, metro)